Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Get yourself a free skin (Goodbye you scrubs)

Confession time: I hate ALL of you. So I'll give 1 skin (one of those random skins from the top shelf)

Winner will be announced tonight.

Winner: Coalbee. Will be rewarded with tbell

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Cargo? Or CarDON'T?

On average, you need the following things in your pockets:

  • Phone
  • Wallet
  • Keys
These can occupy the front pockets, in any order you'd like, or even keep your wallet or phone in your back pocket for little extra comfort. If you are carrying maybe an important note, to-do list, a pencil if your feeling lazy in school, all of these can fit in your typical shorts or pants pockets. So why on earth would you wear more pockets??

I've gone ahead and listed the appropriate times to wear cargo shorts:
  • Fishing.
This is the ONLY time wear those shorts-from-hell. You can use these to hold fishing shit. So why the fuck would you wear them any other time? Do you fucking wear a football helmet when you're not playing football? Of course not, you'd be the dweeb of 2016.

Look, I'm not trying to hate on your "Nugget-Carrying-Capable" shorts, but just buy regular ones, okay?

Can you tell the difference between the two?